MVP Mobile App Development: How to Get to Market Faster and Make Data-Driven Decisions

March 01, 2023galaxy-admin
  • Mobile App Development
  • Mobile Application
  • MVP Development
  • Startup

About 90% of startups fail to grow without building an MVP.

It’s a strong number to convince startups to take over their idea and create a prototype before stepping into it.

But what about the rest?

The rest of the startups look for ways to get their ideas to the market quickly and efficiently, and MVP (Minimum Viable Product) supports this concept to help startups achieve this goal. 

An MVP is a simplified version of a mobile app that contains only the core features and functions needed to validate the app idea and gather user feedback. 

The idea behind an MVP is to bring the app to the market as soon as possible and test its viability without spending a lot of time and resources. 

This way, startups can learn about their app’s strengths and weaknesses early on and make necessary changes to improve the product. 

All in all, it’s important to have a clear understanding of your unique value proposition, target audience, and metrics for success. 

Showcasing a demo of the MVP and providing examples of similar successful apps can also be very effective in demonstrating the potential of your app.

But, first, let’s take a look at what you’d miss out on if you target completing the whole project at once and not breaking it into simpler steps.

How MVP Eliminates Challenges: For Users

Creating a solution that provides real value to users is the actual idea of developing an MVP, but let’s clear our lenses to see what would happen if we skip this part. 

Some common pain points for target audiences in mobile app development include:

  • Difficulty In Completing A Task Or Process
    Users may struggle with organizing their requirements and finding information quickly and efficiently.
  • Inefficient Or Time-Consuming Processes: 
    Users may be frustrated with the time it takes to complete a task and compelling them to shift to other alternatives. 
  • Poor User Experience:
    Users may be frustrated with clunky interfaces or confusing navigation in a mobile app.
  • Lack Of Functionality:
    Users may want additional features or functionality not currently available in a mobile app.
  • Security Or Privacy Concerns:
    Users may be concerned about the safety of their personal information or the security of their transactions in a mobile app.

How MVP Eliminates Challenges: For Developers

An MVP (Minimum Viable Product) approach to mobile app development helps to minimize the difficulties that can arise in the development process. Some of the difficulties that are excluded in the MVP approach include:

  • Overbuilding:
    With an MVP approach, the development team focuses on delivering only the most essential features, avoiding the temptation to add too many bells and whistles that can slow down the development process.
  • Time and Cost Overruns:
    By focusing on a minimal set of features, MVPs help to control the development timeline and budget, avoiding the risk of project delays and overspending.
  • Unvalidated assumptions:
    An MVP approach validates the assumptions about the app’s potential success before investing too much time, money, and resources in the development process.
  • Lack of user feedback:
    MVPs allow developers to test the app with real users and gather feedback, which helps to avoid developing features that may not be useful or desired by the target audience.
  • Technical complexity:
    By focusing on only the essential features, MVPs help to reduce the technical complexity of the app, making it easier to develop and maintain.

An MVP approach to mobile app development can help businesses to minimize the risks and difficulties associated with the development process, while still delivering a functional product that meets the needs of their users.

Understanding The MVP Development Process 

Building an MVP is an iterative process, and the product will evolve over time based on user feedback and market trends. The goal is to validate the product idea and gather feedback as quickly and efficiently as possible to inform future development decisions.

Here is how MVP development staging takes place to bring out a better user experience.

  • Product Discovery:
    Identify the problem you are trying to solve and research your target audience, market trends, and competitors. The more data a company possesses, the better its prospects of success.
  • Feasibility:
    The product must provide value to users in the simplest form possible, as the term MVP suggests. Outline the users first, then create the MVP around their requirements.
  • Targeted Market Testing:
    The goal is to validate the product idea and gather feedback from potential users. Based on the feedback received, make changes to the MVP app and iterate on the product.
  • Comparative Costs:
    The cost of developing an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) can vary widely depending on several factors, including the complexity of the product, the development methodologies used, the technology stack, and the size and experience of the development team. 

    For example- If the estimated cost to create an android or ios application is 3000$, the estimated cost of developing an MVP mobile application will cost 40% of that. 
  • Comparative Time:
    It’s important to keep in mind that these are rough estimates, and the actual time required to develop an MVP can vary widely depending on the specific requirements and constraints of the project. 

    Additionally, the time required for ongoing maintenance and support should also be considered when calculating the total time required for an MVP project.

MVP Development – How To Get To Market Faster 

Developing an MVP mobile app provides developers with a faster, more efficient, and more effective way to validate their ideas, build a product that users love, and grow a successful and profitable business. 

Here are a few well-known facts about MVP mobile app development. 

  • Faster time-to-market:
    An MVP app can be developed and launched quickly, allowing developers to get user feedback and validate their idea in a shorter time frame.
  • Lower development costs:
    29% of startups crash due to multiple financial disasters. An MVP app typically requires fewer resources and less time to develop compared to a full-fledged app, which can result in lower development costs.
  • Improved user engagement:
    By focusing on a minimum set of features that deliver the most value, an MVP app can engage users more effectively and increase their likelihood of retaining and referring others.
  • Better decision-making:
    Developing an MVP allows developers to collect feedback from users early on and make data-driven decisions about what features to add, remove, or modify in the future.
  • Improved risk management:
    By validating the concept with a smaller investment of resources, the risk of building a product no one wants is reduced, allowing developers to make necessary pivots early on.

  • Improved focus:
    By developing an MVP, developers can focus on the core features that deliver the most value and avoid wasting time and resources on unnecessary features.
  • Better fundraising opportunities:
    An MVP that demonstrates traction and user engagement can increase the chances of attracting investors and funding to take the app to the next level.

Can MVP Market Itself As A Product?

The answer will always be Yes. 

By focusing on delivering a minimal but valuable set of features, an MVP app can demonstrate its potential to solve a problem, provide a unique user experience, or offer a new level of convenience. 

Here are a few solid reasons why MVP is the one. 

Reason #1: It Attracts Early Adopters In Building User Base

Attracting early adopters and building a user base are critical goals for MVP mobile app development. Take these steps to achieve these goals:

  • Unique Solution: 
    By offering a unique solution to a pain point, you can differentiate your MVP from similar products and attract early adopters looking for a fresh, innovative solution.
  • Word-Of-Mouth Marketing: 
    Early adopters can be powerful marketing allies, and their positive experiences with your MVP can help to attract other users through word-of-mouth marketing. Encourage early adopters to share their experiences with others, and reward them for doing so.

Reason #2: It Establishes A Brand Identity & Creating A Following

Establishing a brand identity and creating a following are important aspects of MVP mobile app development. Take these steps to achieve these goals:

  • Brand Personality: 
    Brand personality and values of your brand ensure that these are reflected in your messaging, marketing, and product design.
  • Clear Value Proposition: 
    It is a clear, concise value proposition that communicates the benefits of your MVP to users. This value proposition is reflected in all of your marketing and product design.

Reason #3: Increases Visibility & Credibility 

Increasing visibility and credibility are important goals for MVP mobile app development. Take these steps to achieve these goals:

  • Content Marketing: 
    Use content marketing to educate potential users about your MVP and demonstrate your expertise in your field. This can help to increase credibility and build trust with your target audience.
  • Partner With Businesses: 
    Partner with businesses that complement your MVP, such as app stores, service providers, or complementary products. This can help to reach a wider audience and increase visibility.

Reason #4: Gathering Feedback & Iterating To Improve The ProductReason #4: Gathering Feedback & Iterating To Improve The Product

Gathering feedback and iterating to improve the product are critical aspects of MVP mobile app development. Take these steps to achieve these goals:

  • Leverage Analytics: 
    Use analytics tools, such as Google Analytics or Mixpanel, to track usage and engagement with your MVP. This can help you to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions about future development.
  • User Testing: 
    Conduct user testing to get direct feedback from potential users. This feedback can help you to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions about future development.

Case Studies Of MVP Mobile App Development

Statistics show that one-third of startup business owners started their businesses with less than $5,000 and without any assurance that they would make a profit.

The temptation to start a big campaign immediately could be strong, but you should always start modestly. Due to the lengthy development process, about half of new concepts are abandoned since they cannot be proven at an early stage.

Since premature scaling is to blame for the demise of more than 70% of all firms, it is equally crucial to begin with tiny steps.

Here are two major examples of MVPs you know very well. 

  • Uber: Uber started as an MVP that allowed users to request a ride through a simple mobile app.
    The company validated its business idea by offering a small group of users a basic version of its app and gathering feedback to improve the product.

    Today, Uber is a multi-billion dollar company that offers ride-hailing services in hundreds of cities around the world.
  • Dropbox: Dropbox started as a simple MVP that allowed users to store and share files in the cloud. The company validated its business idea by offering a small group of users a basic version of its app and gathering feedback to improve the product.

    Today, Dropbox is a multi-billion dollar company that offers a full suite of cloud storage and collaboration tools.
  • Blum Telehealth: With the idea to serve users in the comfort of their homes, Blum Telehealth is focused on bringing medical care through Video calling regardless of the patient’s geographical location.

    The remote care facility validates its business idea by offering doctors and patients to effortlessly communicate apart from elevating the level of care for the entire community. Today, Blum Telehealth has served 6+ years successfully with an aim to reduce health care costs. 

Get Started With MVP Now 

If you’re considering MVP development for your startup, staying focused on your target audience, understanding their pain points, and continuously seeking feedback to improve the product is key.

By taking these steps, you can increase the chances of success for your mobile app and build a strong foundation for future growth.

So, what’s your next step toward MVP mobile app development for your startup?

If so, the galaxy can fit your idea into an app. We offer a wide range of product engineering services to help businesses at all stages of product development, from initial concept to market release.


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