Developing Custom Softwares, the Agile Way

December 01, 2018galaxy-admin
  • Agile Development
  • Software Development
  • Technology

Agile blog image 3

The dynamic business environment with rapid technological changes have resulted in subsequent changes in customer requirements. They now look forward to options which have an ability to deliver quick and better solutions. As a result, the web development companies long for such approaches which enables them deliver softwares accordingly. The companies turned to Agile Development approach which consists of Iterative and incremental approach for faster and better software development.

In sharp contrast to traditional software development practices, agile is all about teamwork, flexibility, periodic assessments, feedback integration, quick delivery and better products.

At Galaxy Weblinks, Agile development methodology remains a guiding principle for software development practices to offer unique deliveries and be a frontrunner. There exists some compelling reasons why, we choose to do so.

Let’s capture some advantages of this methodology:

Speed and Flexibility

Fast deliveries, regular iterations and flexibility remains the norm of the software development. With exhaustive project development and management strategies in place, Agile holds the prominence. It permits developers to manage and improve priorities at each phase and stage of project.

Customer Collaboration

One of the prime approaches Galaxy Weblinks believes in, is Customer Collaboration. There exists some good reasons behind it. One, it lets us understand the customer’s point of view at each step and second, it develops a strong understanding as to what the client requirements are and lets us visualise deliveries from their perspective. We seek inputs at each step from them to ensure that their requirements are met.

Customer Collaboration 1(1)

Our designers work in continuous collaboration with team members so that the customers feedback gets integrated at each iterations and the next one gets enhanced than previous.

Iterative and Incremental Development

Agile focuses on incremental and iterative development. Hence, the entire project gets broken down into iterations or sprints, at the end of which feedback is sought from client and reflecting transparency, customer orientation and scope for product improvements.

Improved Communication

Team member interactions and client collaborations are one of the key driving practices in Agile. With a channel of feedback in place and iterative cycles of development, the communication structure remains well defined and let exchange developers, clients and project manager’s view on projects fruitfully to carve out a refined product delivery.

Time to Market

Adopting Agile methodology lets team plan and deliver the iteration in a timely manner. The entire project phases – planning, coding & development, creation of rapid prototypes or delivery, all gets empanelled w.r.t. time frame. The clients doesn’t have to wait for the entire software to be developed. They get a basic framework or a prototype to assess operability and functionalities and suggest improvements if any. These minor alterations get integrated at the very same stage. Thus resulting in delivering a better, novel product in a faster manner.

Predictable Costs

The project under agile is divided in sprints with a duration. The cost of development gets better managed as the work to be performed by team is in a fixed schedule. With these, the client is better able to understand the tentative cost of each functionality/ feature.

Improved products

With high involvement of customers in project development, they get an opportunity to understand, interpret and give inputs at all stages. This opens a window of continuous improvement to make software developed a perfect fit, as per the business requirements. Thus, enabling an improved software/ application being developed

To conclude, Agile processes brings in focussed development, which lets deliver a tangible product, engaging all stakeholders at each step resulting in saving time and money with better business products for clients.

Galaxy Weblinks offers a custom software and web development solutions employing Agile. Contact us to find how we can improve your online business remarkably.

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