Enabling the Debug Toolbar in Craft CMS
- Show the debug toolbar on the Front end
- Show the debug toolbar on the control panel
The Craft 3 Debug Toolbar
Craft 3: Debug Toolbar Functionalities
- Timeline — It is basically a graphical presentation of your page’s performance. A graph of time and space vs the queries. It keeps track of your page’s load-time and memory used.
- User — It provides information about users and their sessions.
- Router — A table of rules that Craft checks before routing to a particular template.
- Request — It shows all sorts of information from Parameters to headers to sessions and server global variables.
- Logs — You can find all the error and warning related logs here.
- Deprecated — Shows deprecation errors.
- Profiling — Monitor your page’s performance with information about load time and peak memory usage.
- Database — Shows the Database queries. It can be sorted by time and duration.
- Asset Bundles — It contains the information of the assets being used.
- Mail — It keeps a mail log if you’re using a mail tool on Craft.