Category : galaxy-admin

Mobile Navigation on Large Website – Tips, Tricks, and Best Practices

Designing mobile apps for large, content-rich websites comes with its own set of challenges. The alterations in viewport size now completely change the way we navigate a website. There are thousands of pages that need to be sorted and organized to make them accessible at a tap. You would also need to be sure that […]

Vue vs React: When and How to Make the Right Choice

Vue.js and React.js are two popular frontend JavaScript frameworks, with React tipping the scales for the last three years. Both tools provide developers with a productive approach to developing various Web applications, but each has its own best use cases and addresses different business needs. In this article, we’ll look at some of those use […]

Google Core Web Vitals for your WordPress Website

All WordPress sites are made different, and they all react differently when exposed to different kinds of stress and scenarios. The speed and performance can be attributed to various factors. Fortunately, there are some guidelines for a robust foundation and optimum performance. These guidelines will also help you improve user experience and search rankings. The […]

3 Ways Microservices Save you From Drawbacks of Centralized Data

The microservices approach is made possible in large part by favoring decentralization of software components and data — specifically, by breaking up “monolithic” elements into smaller, easier to change pieces and deploying those pieces on the network. Their goal, in organizational design terms, is to decentralize decision authority. Instead of having a few people make […]

How to Ensure Success in Your Next Software Release?

The release of a new upgrade is typically a stressful time for software companies. It is all too easy to overlook some of the necessary steps or to fail to communicate something to another department. Developing an effective plan is a critical component of any release. A successful plan integrates all departments, including engineering, quality […]

Our Backend Development Technology Favorites in 2021

Website development has become critical in business expansion as the business world has become more reliant on digital technology. Backend development plays a pivotal role in the software development process, enabling web developers to create high-quality websites, thereby resulting in business growth.  Backend development’s role in website development The server-side of the website is the […]

5 Tips to Choose a Low-code Platform for Your Business

Are you replacing manual coding with a low-code development platform for your app development team? To make an informed decision, you must first understand the common requirements for business apps. Setting the right criteria for selecting a low-code platform to build apps is critical.  Like every tool, there are free as well as paid versions […]

What is design thinking, and how do we apply it?

While dealing with complex problems that are poorly defined or unknown, design thinking comes to the rescue. By understanding the human needs involved, this design methodology provides a solution-based approach to problem-solving. Understanding the five stages of design thinking will enable anyone to apply these methods to solve complex problems, regardless of the issue’s scale, […]

Best Practices for Implementing and Maintaining CI/CD Strategy

The key to moving faster in software design and development is a collection of operating principles and practices known as CI/CD, which combines continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD). CI/CD enables software development teams to deliver code changes more frequently and reliably, allowing them to respond to the needs of the business and its […]

5 Key Mobile Metrics to Make Your App Profitable

When you get an app idea, it’s natural to want to get started on it as soon as possible. While the idea could be the most unique and exciting, developing a mobile application is not cheap—and the harsh reality is that the majority of apps fail. So, before diving in and developing an app, it’s […]