Category : galaxy-admin

Cloud Strategy for Companies in a Post-Pandemic World

Being an early adopter of new technology can often come at a higher cost than it is worth. As a result, businesses all over the world are slow to embrace digital innovation. Many of us were caught off guard by the pandemic, which forced hundreds of millions of workers to seek shelter and essentially move […]

iOS 15 is Here – Here is What You Should Know

From September 20th onwards, iPhone users has been able to update to iOS 15. Apple first unveiled iOS 15 in June 2021 at its Worldwide Developers Conference. Since June, the iOS community is elated about the new features offered in the latest iOS 15. Now is the time for iOS 15 to get into the […]

Scaling in WooCommerce – Challenges and Solutions

Scaling an Ecommerce website can be a challenging undertaking. You have to factor in a lot of situations like logged-in user accounts, order information, add-to-carts, coupons, pricing variables, etc. These situations need to be dealt with besides common scaling issues such as well-written code, custom database tables, and server infrastructure.  It is important to approach […]

Mobile Application Development – How to Choose The Right Development Partner

So you’ve got a great mobile app idea and you’ve done your research to understand the competitive landscape. Now you are looking to transform your app idea into reality. However, you are now faced with a crucial question of “How to select the right Mobile app development company”. With such an abundance of choice, choosing […]

Performance Testing: An Overview of its Importance, Metrics, and Examples

The performance of your software is important for its success. Project managers, developers, and marketers measure the performance using testing tools to know how an app is performing when live. Performance testing has its own set of challenges. For instance, changes in application behavior in scaled-down environments. However, we must first understand why performance testing […]

A Guide To Choose The Best Software Development Partner

Having a good product idea for building a custom application or software is the first step towards achieving your organization’s desired business goals. However, the path to success will be determined by the skill and experience of your software company that develops the application.  You will have several software development companies to select from. You […]

Selecting The Right Ecommerce Platform – The Key Factors

Setting up a shop online? Yes it is easier than setting one up made of bricks and mortar but comes with its own set of complications.  Ecommerce isn’t easy. The insane level of competition aside, your problems begin even before you’ve begun to build your website. The first important decision that you need to make […]

User Experience Design – Benefits Offshoring Can Bring To Your Business

UI/UX is the backbone of any online business product. It is the first thing that helps you build a connection between your users and your brand. A good design enhances usability, accessibility, and users’ delight while interacting with your website or app.   Technology is taking over all the aspects of our lives and this leads […]

When to Outsource User Experience Design?

You will witness how comfortable toddlers and preschoolers are in operating smartphones and tablets.  While it is true that these new-age kids are super smart and quite capable of comfortably learning to play games and run apps on their devices, a lot of credit also goes to the ingenious way the applications have been designed.  […]

5 Tips to Protect Your WordPress Site Against DDoS Attacks

We all have been on the internet long enough to know that while it brings the world in our palms, it is also vulnerable to theft and attacks. When your website grows, it also gets vulnerable to security threats like DDoS attacks, phishing attacks, SQL injection attacks, cross-site scripting(XSS), password thefts, and more. In this […]