Category : galaxy-admin

Security in the Cloud: How to Enhance it Using Security Controls?

Traditional IT security is no longer what we’ve known it to be for the past few decades. There is a massive shift to cloud computing that has changed how we see and perceive IT security. We have grown accustomed to the ubiquitous cloud models, their convenience, and unhindered connectivity. But our ever-increasing dependence on cloud […]

5 Important UX Principles to Follow for a Great Website Design

When people hear the word “design,” they are frequently led to believe that the person in that role is solely responsible for producing something visually appealing. While aesthetics are important, UX design is beyond that.  Crafting delightful digital experiences needs an understanding of how people perceive and interact as they progress through their digital journey. […]

UX Writing and UX Design: How to do it right?

Understanding the relationship between UX Writing and UX Design User experience drives the interaction of the users with your products. UX writing and UX design both play a pivotal role in establishing the branding, design, usability, and function that make up the entire experience. UX designers contribute to visual design, programming, psychology, and interaction design. On […]

How to Ensure Your SaaS Application’s Performance as Designed

Internet users expect web content and apps to load within seconds. They want a fast and seamless digital experience on all their devices. The need for speed and seamless performance is a given now (for both users and business owners). Consumers abandon slow-loading websites, without completing the desired action. High performance is important and a […]

How a Top-Rated Team’s UX Design Skills Define Them

Are you on the lookout for a skilled UX design team? We don’t need to devolve into the importance of User Experience. However, finding the right team is a massive undertaking. Despite the multi-star reviews, testimonials, and exceptional sales pitches, finding the right design team for specific business needs remains tricky. Well, we are here […]

The Future of Cloud Computing: How Will Cloud Look Like in 2025

The Internet changed the way we communicate, share information, handle money transactions, and do shopping. Another defining change that the internet has facilitated is how we store information. Earlier, network servers were locked in secure rooms with only a few people having access to them. The internet and cloud computing decentralized the data. Data is now […]

Glassmorphism – How to Leverage This New UI Trend in Your Website

Another year, another UI design trend making waves – Glassmorphism   Each trend or practice brings different perks and challenges alike. While we all like to be adopt different and newest design trends, we also need to ensure that our design is future-proof and will not go out of style after a few months.  Glassmorphism is […]

How to Scale on Cloud Computing; Made Easy for You

“What kind of cloud services do you use?”.  Cloud services are categorized into Infrastructure-as-a-Service, Platform-as-a-Service, and Software-as-a-Service (IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS).  The traditional, on-premise deployments require managing your software as well as IT investments. IaaS, such as Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure provides a pay-as-you-go service for storage, networking, and virtualization. A […]

Why Is the Discovery Phase Important Before Ecommerce Website Development?

Setting up an Ecommerce shop online isn’t easy and comes with its own set of complications. The insane level of competition aside, your problems begin even before you’ve begun to build your website. There are numerous Ecommerce website platforms, a lot of plugins for various features and functionalities, and several design elements to consider tailored […]

Why Is Accessible Design Important to Maximize Your App Reach?

You’ve created the next big mobile app… excellent work! The next step is to ensure that you get maximum users for your world-class application. Ensuring accessibility compliance in your mobile application is a way to ensure that you reach a substantial number of American audiences who suffer from disabilities.  Inclusivity is not only the right […]